For COVID-19 employee training face masks are required.
For COVID-19 employee training face masks contain and control the coronavirus. It’s that simple. Face masks and face protection prevent COVID-19 spread. This does not mean masks replace social distancing and hand washing. In stead, face masks add to your overall layers of prevention controls. Self-checks, social distance, face masks and disinfection form your core workplace controls.
On the job, prevention is the primary reason for wearing masks. Masks prevent you from touching your mouth and nose to infect yourself. They are also key to preventing infected people from spreading the virus. With COVID-19, some infected people go two weeks without symptoms. Others may be asymptomatic and never show symptoms. Without properly fitting masks, people without symptoms unknowingly spread coronavirus.
To work effectively face masks must be made of suitable fabric. Furthermore, they must be worn correctly. For low costs, you can make cloth masks from common materials. Additionally, you can also wash and reuse them too. However, not all fabrics contain the coronavirus. With certain cloths, aerosol COVID-19 droplets can slip through openings. A University of Chicago study recommends layering cotton with silk or chiffon. Like with dressing for the cold, the more layers the better.
For DIY masks, use tightly woven cotton fabric with two polyester layers. By adding layers, the combination filters 80-99% of aerosol coronavirus. If the fit is correct, the mask matches that of an N95. For large particles, research shows tightly woven fabrics, such as cotton, act as a mechanical barrier. To stop minute particles, fabrics holding static charge, like chiffon, work best.
To don a mask, make sure it covers your nose and mouth. They represent the most vulnerable spots on your face. Your masks should lay comfortably across your nose and fit snug. Gaps between your face and mask reduce its effectiveness. Leakages can make a mask 50% less effectiveness or more.
With the right fabric, layers and fit, masks prevent infection.
Before engaging with others, make adjustments as needed. To remove your mask, be careful. Try not to touch your eyes, nose, and mouth. Then, wash your hands immediately afterwards.
For your COVID-19 employee training, masks form a primary control. Masks are pivotal to preventing COVID-19 spread in the workplace. This especially applies to offices, construction sites, factories, clinics, shops and stores. Wear a face mask even when social distancing is maintained. Masks prevent infected employees from unknowingly transmitting it to others. They also protect customers too so post signage stating face masks are required.
When someone sneezes or coughs, face masks block aerosol coronavirus. Moreover, they protect your from touching your face and infecting yourself. To contain coronavirus at work, protect yourself and each other. Throughout the pandemic, wear masks to remain healthy, open and prevent COVID-19.
To prevent COVID-19 in the workplace, face masks make a difference. Get your organization ready with our COVID-19 Employee Training materials and Instructor Guide. Set up for social distance, ventilation, masks and PPE. Leverage single-use training materials. Prevention, hygiene, hand washing and PPE. It’s all included! Print and you’re— Ready to go!